Sunday, November 1, 2009


わたしのへやは  おおきいです  でも  とても ちいです。 へやのみぎに ベット があります。 つくえで しゅくだいをします。 たんすのよこに つくえ があります。 テレベのまに くるい ふとん があります。 まどのそとに きがあります。 トイレがありません でも ドアのひだりに シンク があります。

My room is big but narrow (my roommate and I joke that it looks like a bowling alley...we should just clear it out and make it into one, ahaha). My bed is to the right of the room. I do my homework at my desk and my desk is next to my dresser. The television is in fromnt of the black futon. There are trees outside the windows. I don't have a bathroom but I do have a sink (I think we take it for granted that we have sinks in our rooms. Can you imagine having to brush your teeth or wash your face in the bathroom down the hall? That would be a pain).

Kuroshitsuji opening theme

まりネル | MySpace Video

This is the last anime I finished. I thought it was pretty good. It's basically a revenge story for a boy who wants to avenge his parents' deaths. He has made a pact with a demon who poses as his butler in order to aid him on this task.


Jonathan Bosk said...

このビデオは おもしろいですね。 I like the art style very much, I think I'll have to check this one out. ありがと for recommending this.

Jiayi Lou said...

it seems lots ppl learn japanese because of animate.well actually i was obessed w/ SailorMoon when i was young and Detective Conan(コナン). actually im not in love w/ japan befor i learned japanese here but as i learned it, im becomin more and more interested in it!!

Natalie said...

えええ! わたしは くろしつじが すじです! I watched this show a long long time ago and absolutely loved it. It's really clever and cool. =] You have no idea how surprised I am that someone else knows of it! It didn't get that much publicity...haha...でも、 すばらしですね?

Anonymous said...

私わ せんじゅう くろしつじを みました。 とても おもしろいです。 =)

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