Sunday, September 6, 2009

Post Game Things

わたしは クルーズ です༚ いちねんせいです༚ だいがくいんせいです そうじありません༚ せんこうは しんりがくです༚ あめりか じんです༚

I hope everyone's post game day is going well. Things are pretty quiet around Farley Hall. Everyone's finishing homework and resting up mostly. I don't know about you, but I fell off the bleachers about three times trying to do the jig yesterday at the game (I blame the guy next to me who didn't know what he was doing, ahaha).

Anyways, thought I'd share a song/anime that I really enjoyed watching.
It's the opening to Paradise Kiss...more of a girl's show, so sorry guys, haha. I really like all the songs on this show too.

Also, as a random side note for anime watchers, did you guys know that they're playing Death Note again on Cartoon Network? I know they've ran that series before, but I was up pretty late last night and it came on at about 3 in the morning. And of course I watched it, even though I've probably seen the entire series four times through already, haha. And I watched it even though I prefer the Japanese sub over the English dub. O well, I couldn't help myself. :D


ムラん said...

It takes a while for いちねんせい to learn the jig. The key is to move vertically, not horizontally. And not to have too much さけ in your system. Congratulations on your first football win as a student. Hopefully 12 more to come this year!

Jonathan Bosk said...

My roommates and I used to have 'anime night' in our room every Saturday where after we all got back to the room around 2am or so we would stay up and watch the anime on cartoon network and try to stay up until 5am to watch Cowboy Bebop, but we always made sure we saw Code Geass and Death Note before we fell asleep.

Angela F said...

An anime night sounds like fun, but I prefer the english sub over the dub (that's how I've watched all the anime I have ever seen). But it wasn't really a problem because I did not have cable at my house (which kinda sucked) so I watched it online.

ランダース said...

I'm in Farley too :) The whole campus seems so quiet the Sunday after a game day. It's strange :p I like the song!

アルコンセル said...

I'm in Farley, toooo. (: I'm surprised there's 3 of us, haha. I've never seen the English dub of Death Note, but I feel like I'll be sorely disappointed by it after watching the Japanese version first. D: And why were you up at 3 in the morning watching Death Note? haha.

lemonsticks said...

Haha, kinda late now, but I was up that late cause...why was i up that late...well, I'm a night owl anyways, I'm usually always up till 2 on the*shrugs* That's so cool that there's three of us girls in Farly though. (:

Jiayi Lou said...

Hey!!finally find u!! lol well i dunno ur first name..sad..

my frds told me that Death Note is pretty good but im lazy to watch all the series. i may watch the movie in the real person!!=D

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