まいあさ しちじに おきます༚ へや で ばんきょおします༚ へや で ぜんぜん たべません༚ はちじに くらすに きます༚ わたしは たいてい じゅういちじに へるごはんをたべます༚ としょかんにい きますにべんきょします༚ しちじに ばんごはんをたべますよ༚ にじ に ねます༚
That's a pretty normal day for me, aha. Studying...maybe wasting time on youtube too...or other random sites, instead of doing homework haha.
はい、 わかりました
I totally can relate to your day :)
youtube = しゅくだいを しません. And for that reason it is simultaneously the best and worst thing ever created.
あし に べんきょうしました か? Is that a result of procrastinating on homework the night before, or simple your good student habit of waking up early in the morning to get ahead in your studies? Either way, props to you for getting up so early! x)
Oh, and as for the music, my Asian friends back home introduced me to a bunch of artists and songs via magazines, websites, and YouTube links. (:
まいにち youtubeを みます。
I spend so much time watching bad videos when I should be studying!
Tanya - はちじに じゅぎょうが あります. I don't wake up to be productive at alllll. Ahaha. If that were the case, I'd have so much freetime after classes were over with, aha.
私わ まいにち にしに ねます。 Sometimes I sleep in four or five。My roommate and my section people also think I'm crazy...ToT ごせんにしに どこで べんきょしますか。
ああ、 youtube ですか? まいにち、わたしは facebookを します。 It's pretty bad...not going to lie, haha.
Ohayoo! Yeah my day is pretty exhausting, but I like it so I guess that's all that matters. I wind up really tired and bearly getting the chance to really focus on everything with full attention. I guess that's the college life!
Jaa, mata
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